Tracheostomy Tube System

The Blom Tracheostomy Tube Systems has a unique Subglottic Suctioning Disposable Inner Cannual that gives the clinician the ability to suction secretions above the cuff of a tracheostomy tube, which will help them in their strategy to fight VAP.

The Blom Tracheostomy Tube System is an innovative solution for providing ventilator dependent patients with a tracheostomy the ability to speak regardless of cuff inflation.

Included in the Blom Tracheostomy Tube System are the Speech Cannula and Low Profile Valve (LPVā„¢). Each has its own unique function in allowing the patient to speak in their own natural voice. The Speech Cannula is designed to allow speech for ventilator dependent patients that require a fully inflated cuff with a Blom Fenestrated Cuffed Tracheostomy Tube. The LPV is designed to allow tracheostomized, non-ventilator dependent patients to speak without the use of finger occlusion, with the Blom Non-Fenestrated Uncuffed or Fenestrated Cuffed Tracheostomy Tube.

Both the Subglottic Suctioning Cannula and the Blom Speech Cannula are used with the Blom Fenestrated Tracheostomy Tube. The fenestration is located approximately 1mm above the cuff, so when inflated, fenestration contact with the tracheal mucosa is prevented.

Tracheostomy Tube System